Video Games


The review system for video games follows a simple rubric: grade gameplay and story and leave the rest alone. The focus of our reviews is the entertainment value of the game which we believe to be independent of other factors such as sound, graphics, presentation, etc. Space will be made for these ubiquitous metrics as warranted by the game in question but they do not justify their own space by default. 

We hold that gameplay and story are the only two true pillars of entertainment because only they can substitute each other and still result in a game well worth your money. Consider the point-and-click adventure games of Monkey Island and its ilk as the first example. While the addiction-forming gameplay hook is nowhere to be found in these titles, their story, pacing, and wit are more than enough to justify their value (if done well). For the inverse example, consider the convoluted mess that is Halo 3's story. Though its writers wouldn't get an A from a 3rd grader, the gameplay of the title is engaging enough to justify its value. 

Our reviews will tackle each pillar in turn, giving each a grade out of 5. The sum of these two scores will constitute our final score which will be presented along with an explanatory concluding paragraph. 


Here at Bag of Hammers we have a difficult time keeping our contributors on track. Their penchant for tangents has led us to conclude that, every once in a while, we need to give them free reign to muse on topics of their choice. Whether its the state of the video game industry or comments on a specific news story therein, editorials are a masturbatory good way to let them have their fun. 


Everyone loves lists. They're an easy read while you're on the can, they help bring order to a chaotic world, and they're one of the best ways to be reminded of something awesome that you forgot about. They're also guaranteed traffic for BofHam.